In anticipation to Bluesfest starting today, we’ve already given away 8 pairs of tickets, and that’s just the beginning! There’s still time to play our “2 truths, 1 lie” game, by filling out the following form:
Our first edition of the game included the following statements:
1- Zibi has employed 7 Algonquin Anishinaabe workers to date;
2- Zibi is currently the only One Planet Community in Canada;
3- The Hydro Ottawa dam is part of the Zibi project.
Keep reading to find out which statements are true and which one is false!
2 Truths

1. Zibi has employed 7 Algonquin Anishinaabe workers to date
As the only private developer to have publically acknowledged that Zibi, as well as a large part of Quebec and Ontario, is on unceded Algonquin territory, we are proud to employ those who until now, had been restricted to working on reserve only.
To date, four Algonquin Anishinabe communities are partnered with Windmill and Dream Unlimited: Long Point, Timiskaming First Nations, Pikwàkanagàn First Nation and the Algonquins of Ontario all signed Letters of Intent outlining how Zibi will create opportunities in the region for their members, raise awareness about their people and culture in Canada’s capital region and build stronger connections back to their communities.
We want to see Algonquin Anishinabe culture celebrated on the site. And we want all of this done in a way that delivers a real impact and concrete benefits to their communities.
Read more about our initiative to work with the Algonquin Anishinaabe

2. Zibi is currently the only One Planet Community in Canada.
Our redevelopment project is Canada’s first One Planet Community. Based on ten simple principles for sustainable living such as achieving zero carbon or waste throughout the development and fostering an inclusive culture to encourage the local community to thrive with the least environmental impact are but some of the core tenets of this wonderful framework.
Among a few of our goals, Zibi aims to support:
90% reduction in transport greenhouse gas emissions compared to the regional average, by prioritizing walking, cycling and charging points for electric vehicles;
Cutting water use by more than half compared to the regional average;
A radical increase biodiversity (by 400%) above existing levels on the site;
Housing opportunities for a diverse range of renters and buyers, and allocation in the commercial spaces to local and socially responsible businesses.
Read more about our One Planet principle
1 lie

- 1. The Hydro Ottawa dam is part of the Zibi project.
Windmill and Hydro Ottawa are neighbours on Chaudière Island, nothing more. While Windmill owns the rights to the portions of the land that used to be under Domtar ownership, Hydro Ottawa retains the rights to the land they have always occupied.
However, after their most recent improvements, we now have an opportunity to employ better technology that will result in decreased carbon emissions and increased resource efficiency creating a local energy system that aligns with our vision for a One Planet community.